
The Division of Molecular & Genomic Pathology (MGP) and MGP laboratory combine more than two decades of academic experience and leadership in molecular diagnostics to deliver the most advanced genetic and genomic testing and offer vast educational opportunities in molecular pathology. Our clinical focus is on performing and interpreting complex genetic tests in the areas of solid tumors, hematologic malignancies, and genetics. Adopting and advancing the most innovative genomic technologies and working closely with the oncology and other clinical groups, our mission is to provide the most advanced laboratory support for the progress in personalized medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and, through versatile consultation services, at other health care centers.


The current MGP Division and laboratory were formed in March 2013 by merging into one program the previously existing Molecular Anatomic Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics programs at the Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. By integrating the resources and experience of the two nationally recognized molecular pathology programs, we are committed to providing the highest standards of education and clinical service for our physicians and patients. The MGP Division and laboratory occupy the 7th and 8th floors of the recently renovated Clinical Laboratory Building, with state-of-art facilities for training and clinical laboratory work.